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Monday, October 25, 2010

Intern Plan

Activity #
You may give the number corresponding to the 38 activities from the text to identify one of the activities. TExES comp.#___
You must have activities that represent each of the 10 Superintendent competencies. Summary of Activity - Describe the activity you plan on implementing or participating in during your internship – you may use any of the internship activities identified in the School Leader Internship, 2nd edition, pp. 19 – 68. Resource
Person Projected Date to be
1c 002 Evaluate and compare the vision statements from RISD with a comparable district listed on the AEIS report. Identify similarities as well as differences and make recommendations to RISD. Dr. Largent

World Wide Web 11/15/10
2b 002 Review and analyze the strategic plan for the district. Identify personnel involved in all aspects of the plan. Investigate concerns from anyone involved. Dr. Largent and/or Lesa Jones 12/1/10
3c 002 Review ways in which assessment data are used by the following: board of education, superintendent, faculty, staff, and community relations department. Reflect on findings. Betty Collins and/or Kathleen Glidewell 12/15/10
4c 001 Assist in conducting a faculty meeting or a staff development. Survey faculty on presentation and identify strengths and weaknesses. Scott Schwartz 3/1/11
5a 002 Review board policy/administrative regulations. Access compliance and leadership culture within the school/district. Does the leadership style match? Dr. Largecnt 3/1/11
6c 002 Survey administrators and school teachers within the campus to assess the areas in which they believe decisions should be reached collaboratively. Discuss this survey with superintendent and principals. Scott Schwartz 4/1/11
7e 005 Interview the district textbook coordinator concerning procedures and process of adopting and choosing textbooks. Kathleen Glidewell 12/1/10
8c 005 Meet with high school counselors and evaluate and discuss changes in student schedules. Look at number of changes and ways to make this number lessen. Terri Daniel
Lisa Cockrum 12/15/10
9d 005 Observe instructional aide and note duties, time, and expertise to students, Collie Hagen 1/15/10
10a 006 Review methods used on campus to encourage and motivation in classroom. Read articles pertaining to motivation and discuss readings to admin. and faculty. Jason Wilcox 12/15/10
11c 006 Interview technology director on evaluating software used in district. Mike Bates 1/15/10
12d 006 Form and lead a team of teachers to study and develop a plan for improving test scores in an identified area. Jason Wilcox 2/1/10
13d 005 Meet with a group of randomly selected students to evaluate cocurricular education. Discuss strengths and weaknesses. Jason Wilcox 2/1/10
`14e 007 Survey a broad spectrum of teachers to elicit recommendations for relevant professional development. Scott Schwartz 1/15/10
15b 010 Meet with a current leader involving a major change. Identify why the change was made and the support for and against he change. Betty Collins 12/1/10
16c 006 Examine the current discipline policy and provide feedback on its strengths and weaknesses. Scott Schwartz 1/15/10
17c 010 Interview the school nurse to discuss the major requirements, concerns, and goals for the current school program. Brandi Franks 12/15/10
18b 008 Review the job requirements of campus secretaries. Identify their duties and provide feedback relative to their assignments. Scott Schwartz 1/15/10
19c 008 Review the districts opening and closing procedures. Take an active part in these procedures. Dr. Largent 5/15/10
20b 009 Meet with the director of maintenance and review job requirements and schedules of personnel. Observe a maintenance person for a period of time. Charles Mcreight 1/15/11
21b 009 Observe a bus route during the am or pm and make recommendations. Mark Turney 11/15/10
22b 009 Observe a food service worker in the delivery of a meal to students. Barbara Mcreight 1/15/10
23b 007 Participate and conduct an interview with a professional applicant, Jason Wilcox 12/1/10
24d 008 Complete a requisition for a service or supply item from a budget account. Holly Gresham 12/1/10
25b 003 Prepare a written document to be sent out to the public. Scott Schwartz 11/15/10
26d 003 Observe a meeting of the site based decision making committee, Observe the role of the parents and recommendations for the effectiveness of their participation, Kathleen Glidewell 12/1/10
27a 003 Examine and evaluate the HS library with regard to resources available to culturally diverse populations. Martha Blackmon 12/1/10
28a 003 Complete a list of social agencies that are available to students, faculty, and administration. Scott Schwartz 3/15/10
29c 001&004 Gather an compile a list of board goals of the superintendent. See if these goals match the description of the superintendent. Dr. Largent 12/15/10
30a 001&004 Interview a retired educator to relate the history of the community and school that relate to the current school today. Ricky Hassell 2/15/10
31e 001 & 004 Provide evidence to demistrate that you actually do what you tell others to do. Jason Wilcox 5/1/10
32a 001 & 004 Development of the following interpersonal skills: expects criticism, shares responsibilities, promptly gets back to others with concerns or needs, and encourages others to participate. Jason Wilcox 5/15/10
33b 001 & 004 Attend as many board meetings as possible. Include agendas and outcomes or decisions pertaining to each of the agenda items Greg Weiss 5/15/11
34b 005 Attend a special education meeting involving annual review. Jerri Largent 12/15/10
35a 010 Campus implementing no pass no attend. Meet with both sides to reach consensus on the new proposal. Scott Schwartz 12/15/10
36a 006 Compile a list of current issues that affect teaching and learning. Assess the degree of importance and urgency for each issue. Betty Collins 5/1/11
37a 008 Contact several persons experienced in superintendency and compile a list of professional associations. Jason Wilcox 3/1/11
38a 008 Compile a list of books, publications, training materials and district or state publications used for the position of study. Dr. Largent 3/13/10

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